Monday, February 21, 2005

On the Road

I spent Saturday night, Sunday and Monday at Yia Yia and Papou's. I had a really good time. My mommy and daddy were there with me as well. I guess that would be kind of obvious since I can't drive yet. Anyway, I got to see my Thea Sophia, she's pretty (but not as pretty as mommy), Theo Craigory (that's what daddy calls him), Theo John (I don't know how to spell his Greek name), and Carrie (she's pretty, too).

I had lots of fun and everyone else had lots of food. Papou got some videotape of me while Yia Yia held me and spent good time with me.

Mommy and Daddy said that I will be seeing Yia Yia and Papou again soon in a couple of weeks (whatever weeks are), and I can't wait.

I also had a really good time in my Pack and Play. It was great. I especially loved the animal mobile that hangs over my bed in it.

Well, everyone, until next time, I love you all and hope you leave lots of comments.

See ya soon,


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