Saturday, July 23, 2005

On the Move

Hi all, Max here.

Guess what? I can crawl now! I have been moving around quite a bit by rolling over and scooting. But a couple of days ago, right before my 8 month birthday in fact, I decided I was going to crawl just like Callie has been showing me. I can get all around the house now! It is so fun; I follow Mommy and Daddy everywhere. Mommy is a bit worried about me getting into things now, but I promised her that I will be good!

Crawling Posted by Picasa

Mommy and Daddy and I went to the Greek Festival on Thursday. They had yummy food that I wasn't allowed to have yet. Maybe next year! There were quite a few people there. We didn't stay too long since it was getting close to my bed time.

Speaking of bed time: I have a new game that I like to play. It is called "I am going to stay awake and annoy mommy with all my squirming". She tries to hold me still so I will go to sleep, but I just don't want to sleep! I like being awake and seeing everything!

Well that is all for now!

lots of love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go max go! what a treat to see you crawl. thanks for being part of our life. grandpa