Guess what I can do now? I can climb on top of the dining room table. Mommy and Daddy don't like it so much though. They think that I can get hurt. I keep trying to tell them not to worry; I know how to get down.

The Huntress
Mommy told me that one day after I was in bed, Callie did her "Lassie" thing: Callie meowed at Mommy so that Mommy would follow her. So Mommy did. When Mommy turned on the light in the basement hallway, she found Callie with her catch. A centipede. Mommy said she had to call Daddy so that he could get rid of the centipede. Callie made the cetipede so it couldn't move anymore. I don't know exactly what that means, but I have a feeling that it isn't so good.

In other news
I am learning all sorts of new words. Today I learned to say "cream puffs." I'm not sure what they are, but I have a feeling that they are something I am going to love!! "Crackers" is still my favorite word. They are "yummy".
That's all for now!
Maxer to the Millian

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