Hi all. Max here.
On Saturday we had a little get together here at our house. It was kinda a birthday party for me since we couldn't have one when I turned one. Everybody was here! Yia Yia, Papou, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncles John, Craigory, and Sean, Aunts Megan and Sophia and Cousin Cailyn!! Cailyn brought Jackson, the dog, too! We found out that Callie does not like Jackson so much. Callie hid the whole weekend in the basement. Poor Kitten!!
We had lots of yummy food, including the infamous Cream Puffs! I think I ate ten of those! Those were so good. I can't wait until mommy gets some more!

Me and Cailyn
Check Up
On Monday I went to see Dr. Guru for my check up. I wasn't too happy to see him but he made the whole thing go pretty quick.
Here are my new stats:
Height: 33.5 inches (maybe more the Dr. said.)
Weight: 27 lbs. 2 oz.
The nurse and the doctor were very happy I was brushing my teeth. Dr. also said I am looking good and healthy. The best part though is that I don't have to go back to see him until November!!!!!
That's all for now.