A couple of weeks ago, Daddy and I went to find our Christmas tree. Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Jim and Aunt Debbie came too. Mommy couldn't come this year either because she wasn't feeling well. Hopefully she can come next year.
We walked around the tree farm until we found the best tree. It is not too tall and very full. It is so pretty. Daddy brought it into the house that night and we decorated it a few days ago. It took forever before we could decorate it; Daddy said it had to do with the lights. Our old ones didn't work. I guess this happens alot. Anyway we couldn't decorate til we bought some more. Here is a picture of our finished tree!
In other news...
Callie and Ozzie are finally becoming pretty good friends. Ozzie still makes Callie mad sometimes, but for the most part they are really liking each other. They like to cuddle together sometimes; it is very sweet.
Guess what? I had my very own two year old party just like Cailyn! Mommy made me a spaceship cake and everything. It was delicious!
But best of all was all my family and friends that got to come celebrate with me. Thanks everybody!
We had lots of food and music. And everyone got the chance to watch football too. I was too busy dancing with Cailyn to watch that though! Baby Cora was here and so was Lauren. I am so glad that I got to see them!! Yia Yia and Papou and Uncle John came too. I love it when Yia Yia and Papou come to see me because I don't see them that often.
Yesterday I had to go to the doctor for my check up. I hate going to the doctor and my blankie was no comfort at all. I just wanted Mommy to hold me the whole time. I checked out ok though. I am now 31 pounds and 35 inches tall! I am growing strong.
Hi all,It has been an exciting couple of weeks with visits to Yia Yia and Papou's and Trick or Treat on Halloween!First we got to visit Yia Yia and Papou and I got to see gorgeous baby Cora. She is looking alot like Thea Sophia. She has great big eyes and is beautiful. I can't wait to see her again. She is growing up already. Pretty soon she will be as big as me.
Then Mommy took me to story time at the library in my Spiderman costume and I got to go trick or treating there. It was so fun. I got so many candies and cookies. Then a week later I got to do it all over again but for real! Daddy took me to grandma and grandpa's and I got to visit lots of people that gave me LOADS of treats! (thanks, everybody!). Then we came home and Mommy took me to a couple of houses on our street. The best part though was seeing all the kids come to our house. Mommy and Daddy gave them treats too. Halloween is a pretty ghoul, I mean cool, holiday.
This past weekend we went to hunt pumpkins with Cailyn and everybody. It was lots of fun. I got to pick out two huge ones and a bunch of small ones. We put them on our front steps so that everyone driving by can see them. Pretty soon Mommy is going to buy some mums to put with them.
We are gearing up for Trick or Treat. This year I am going to be Spiderman. I can't wait. Mommy said it will be lots of fun. I will get to see lots of kids in their costumes.
This weekend we went to see Baby Cora, Thea Sophia and Uncle Craigory's new baby girl. She is so tiny and so pretty. I had a lot of fun playing with her, even though she didn't do much but sleep and eat. It was fun to see everyone else too!
Sorry it has been so long. Just lots of fun stuff going on and I have been away from the computer sometimes because Mommy has been working and I have been at Grandma and Grandpa's.
This past weekend we went to a big wedding and had lots of fun. Uncle Sean, Aunt Mimi were here with Cailyn and we got to do lots of stuff together. The day before the wedding we went to look at apples at the orchard. Cailyn and I got to play a lot and had the best time. She is such a good friend and cousin.
At the wedding we got to dance and play with all the other little kids. It was a blast. I didn't want to go home but Mommy made me. In the end I was glad because I was really tired and needed a nap.
Also Thea Sophia had her baby!! She is a little girl (another girl cousin!) and her name is Cora. She is itty bitty and only weighs a little over 6 pounds. Mommy said I never weighed that little, only much more! We can't wait to see her!
I thought i would just give you all a list of all my favorite phrases. Some of them are funny; most of them just commands! Enjoy!
1. I hold it. 2. I broke it. 3. Fix it. 4. Mommy's [or Daddy's] book [or car or cup, shoe, etc.] 5. Callie, stop it. 6. Ozzie, stop it. 7. Callie, Ozzie playing? 8. Tired, nap?
That's all I can think of right now. Hope you are all having a good day.
Well, Mommy, Daddy and I did lots of traveling again this past week. I got to see Aunt Mimi, Uncle Sean and Cailyn and Yia Yia and Papou. It was a great week for family!
Last Saturday, I got to go to Aunt Mimi and Uncle Sean. Cailyn and I got to play alot. She is so much fun. We got to watch Finding Nemo and sit for our picture in the black chair. Just like we have done before. (Check it out here and here.)
Then on Thursday we went to Yia Yia and Papou's. We only stayed there a little bit, but I got to go see the ducks and go play on the slides at the park! And, of course, there was ice cream when we got home! Mmm, yummy.
Then yesterday Cailyn stayed all night at my house! Everybody went to parties except for us and Daddy. Daddy took good care of us and even made us dinner. It was yummy.
After my long traveling weekend I was plain tuckered out.
Mommy and I went traveling this past weekend to visit Thea Sophia and Uncle Craigory. Daddy didn't come because someone needed to stay home with the kittens.
We had lots of fun at Thea Sophia and Uncle Craig's. I got to play with a little girl from the neighborhood and we went to a Target that has a Starbucks in it. Mommy said that is very close to Utopia. I don't know where that is, but I guess it is a really nice place.
Uncle John came over too and we ate pizza then went to this neat place and had some ice cream.
On Saturday we went to Yia Yia and Papou's. Saturday was Thea Sophia's baby shower. She has a baby in her belly and he or she will be needing some stuff when he or she arrives. We had a really fun party for the baby and Cousin Julie's house. It was lots of fun and lots of pretty girls were there. My kind of party!
While at Yia Yia and Papou's I got to go to the park and I got to have more ice cream!! Yummy! Uncle John came over too and he and I played ball. It was loads of fun.
Then we finally came home and we got to see Daddy and the kittens. We decided that since we all were home that it may be a good time to let the kittens play together. Ozzie and Callie have been playing together really well and seem to get along pretty well. They are both really cute and Callie just seems a little annoyed with her new little kitten brother.
Just wanted to show an early picture of our new kitten, Ozzie. Mommy and some of her friends at work rescued him. He is small and very funny.
Callie is not a big fan of him. They met the first night he was here, but she hissed and growled at him. Since he has been in quarantine, Callie has been hanging outside the door to his room. She seems to be getting used to his scent; Mommy just hopes that when Ozzie can run free through the house that they will get along.
Sorry it has been so long since a post. We have been a bit busy with different things and I just have not had a chance.
Well, to start off, about three weeks ago Mommy fell and hurt her foot pretty badly. She was carrying me, but I didn't get hurt. She just scared me with her yelling for Daddy. I could tell she was really hurting. Luckily she is able to walk without much of a limp now. She says it is still sore at times, but doing much much better.
The worst part of Mommy hurting her foot is that Daddy had to leave to go to Dallas for a Speech Competition with some of his students. He was gone a whole week! We really missed him (including Callie). I got to talk to Daddy on the phone everyday, but it just isn't the same as having him here. I was sure glad to see him walk through the door.
This past Saturday I went to my first parade. It was in honor of the 4th of July and it was awesome. I got to see all sorts of fire engines and doggies and bands and all sorts of things. And the parade people kept throwing candy at me!! I just threw it all back. I can't wait to see my next parade!
On Sunday we met Yia Yia, Papou, Thea Sophia, Uncles Craigory and John at Church where Mommy went when she was little. (we go to a different church closer to home usually.) It was a really nice day and I got to see all my cousins and great aunts and uncles while we were there. My Nouna took me for communion and it wasn't so bad at all. She is super nice and pretty.
Mommy and Daddy say tomorrow is the 4th of July, but I probably won't get to see any fireworks. Maybe next year.
On Wednesday we went to the zoo! I guess we went last year, too, but I don't remember it though. This year I got to see lots of animals, including my favorites: monkeys, "muses" (hippopotamuses), "kitties" (tigers) and lots more!
I got to run all over the place while we were looking at the bears with Cailyn. Yeah, she was there too, with Aunt Mimi and Uncle Sean. Grandma and Grandpa were there too along with Aunt Mimi's mommy and daddy. Grandma rode a camel!! Can you believe it? I wish I could have rode the camel, but Mommy said my car seat wouldn't fit. Maybe next year.
On Saturday we had a little get together here at our house. It was kinda a birthday party for me since we couldn't have one when I turned one. Everybody was here! Yia Yia, Papou, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncles John, Craigory, and Sean, Aunts Megan and Sophia and Cousin Cailyn!! Cailyn brought Jackson, the dog, too! We found out that Callie does not like Jackson so much. Callie hid the whole weekend in the basement. Poor Kitten!!
We had lots of yummy food, including the infamous Cream Puffs! I think I ate ten of those! Those were so good. I can't wait until mommy gets some more!
Me and Cailyn
Check Up On Monday I went to see Dr. Guru for my check up. I wasn't too happy to see him but he made the whole thing go pretty quick.
Here are my new stats:
Height: 33.5 inches (maybe more the Dr. said.) Weight: 27 lbs. 2 oz.
The nurse and the doctor were very happy I was brushing my teeth. Dr. also said I am looking good and healthy. The best part though is that I don't have to go back to see him until November!!!!!
Guess what I can do now? I can climb on top of the dining room table. Mommy and Daddy don't like it so much though. They think that I can get hurt. I keep trying to tell them not to worry; I know how to get down.
The Huntress
Mommy told me that one day after I was in bed, Callie did her "Lassie" thing: Callie meowed at Mommy so that Mommy would follow her. So Mommy did. When Mommy turned on the light in the basement hallway, she found Callie with her catch. A centipede. Mommy said she had to call Daddy so that he could get rid of the centipede. Callie made the cetipede so it couldn't move anymore. I don't know exactly what that means, but I have a feeling that it isn't so good.
In other news
I am learning all sorts of new words. Today I learned to say "cream puffs." I'm not sure what they are, but I have a feeling that they are something I am going to love!! "Crackers" is still my favorite word. They are "yummy".
I havehad a very eventful week! First I got to celebrate Easter with my Mommy, Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa. We had breakfast and went to church and i got to hear the bells and the choir sing. It was really pretty. We had a big dinner too. I also got to hunt some Easter eggs. They are pretty rolly polly, but I was able to wrangle them.
Then Mommy, Daddy and I went to visit Yia Yia and Papou on Thursday. I got to go to the park by their house and play on all the fun stuff there. I mean they had slides even better than the one in my back yard! I got to climb all over the place and see lots of little kids. I absolutely love the park. I can't wait to go back there.
I also got to meet Auntie Lisa's baby. She is so tiny and an absolute cutie. I got to hold her and everything. (Daddy helped.) I can't wait to see her again.
Then I got to celebrate Easter all over again! I didn't go to church this time because the service was really late at night. Mommy went and she was really grumpy the next day because she didn't get to sleep that much. But we went to Cousin Julie and Dave's to celebrate with all my aunts and uncles and cousins on Mommy's side of the family. I got to see my God brother Nico and he was so cool. He took good care of me while we played outside. He also helped find the Easter eggs in my second Easter egg hunt!
Princess Turns Two
On Saturday Callie turned two years old!! I can't believe it. She is the best older sister kitten anyone could have.
Mommy and Daddy went on a real date on Saturday night--without me! Can you believe it? They left me at home, with Grandpa and Grandma, of course. I really can't complain, I had way more fun with Grandpa and Grandma than I would have with Mommy and Daddy!! They took me to dinner and I got to play with a giant Elmo! It was so cool. I loved it!
On Sunday we met up with Uncle Sean, Aunt Mimi and Cailyn for lunch (really just crackers) and lots of walking all over the college! Yes, everyone I went to college this weekend and let me just say I learned alot. But I was tuckered out by the time we got home.
Sorry to say, that Mommy forgot the camera so there are no pictures of the weekend to share. There will be plenty more next time.
Mommy took me to get my haircut yesterday. It was a strange experience but I mustered through. Mommy says I look very handsome. I think I look pretty good myself.
I love Cheerios. Mommy was letting me dig into the box this morning. They are so yummy, and good for you, too.
Chocolate cookies are yummy too, but maybe not as good for me.
This past weekend we went to visit Yia Yia and Papou. I also got to see my Uncle John and Thea Sophia and Uncle Craigory. Mommy brought Thea Sophia all sorts of clothes that Mommy wore when she was waiting for me, because Thea Sophia is waiting for someone too. A baby, that is, not just any old someone.
Mommy went to see Auntie Lisa's new baby Lauren. Mommy showed me pictures of the baby; she is a babe! I wasn't allowed to go see her myself because Mommy was worried I might give something to the baby and I don't mean flowers. I was feeling ok, but Mommy was nervous anyway since the baby was so new and my belly was acting a little "off". Lauren looks like her Daddy. She is so cute. I can't wait to really meet her!
My newest trick is climbing all over the furniture. Mommy and Daddy get very nervous, but they don't need to be, I know what I'm doing. Mommy and Daddy think that I am going to fall, but I am being really careful. I promise.
I just wanted to let you all know about this great actor that is on the TV. His name is Elmo and he has his own TV show and he is only 3 and a half! He is very fun to watch and play with. I love him very much.
Ready for Story Time On Saturday Mommy and I went to story time at the Library. It was loads of fun. I got to play with some kids my age and listen to stories that our friend Carrie read. I really love going to the Library. There are tons of books there that I would just love to look at! Mommy says when I am older I can bring some of them home to read. For now, though, I have to just settle for my own books that Mommy and Daddy bought me.