On Sunday I went on a snowy adventure! Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa, and Great Uncle Jim, Great Aunt Debbie and Emmy, a really cool dog, all went to a snowy place that had animals called horses and lots of trees. I was wrapped up in the warm coat that Nona Nia got me with three other layers. Daddy said a man named Jack Frost was nipping but I was warm, warm, warm.

Daddy strapped me in a thing called a sled and started to pull me along. It was a lot of fun! I can't wait to do it again. We rode a wagon pulled by those horses and went to a field with trees. We walked awhile until Daddy found a tree he liked. He cut it down with a saw and then he also cut down Grandma and Grandpa's and Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Jim's tree, too. Daddy is so strong.

We dragged the trees along while I hung out in my sled and watched everyone work while Emmy played in the snow and visited other doggies. We got on the wagon again that had different horses and went to a barn where everyone but me and Emmy had hot chocolate. Daddy says hot chocolate is only for grown ups.
When I woke up today, the tree Daddy cut down was beside our staircase and had pretty lights on it!!! Daddy says the lights let Santa Claus see when he comes to visit on Christmas Eve. I can't wait!!
I will never forget my first trip to the snowy tree place. I can't wait to go again next year, but I guess I will have to.
Love to all of you and Merry Christmas!!
Max, your father is not strong. Let's just be clear on that. I don't want to see you grow up with all these ridiculous ideas in your head. Remind me to tell you about Santa Claus when I get back to Niles...
we were so thrilled to be able to share this first experience for you with you. i will never forget it. im so glad you had such fun. grandpa
Don't listen to feecha. Your dad has the strength of 1,000 men. One time, when your father and I were children, a bigger kid threatened to beat me up. Your father stepped in front of me and told that kid that he'd have to go through your dad first if he wanted to get to me. That kid was so scared of your father's immense power, that he never bothered me again.
Your father once also singlehandedly picked up an entire chest of drawers in one hand, and a minivan in the other. I believe he lifted both above his head simultaneously.
The moral of these stories? Don't [mess] with Ries.
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