Yesterday was my nine month check-up with Dr. Guru. It went well. I have grown to be 30.5 inches and 21 pounds and 15 ounces! I am a big boy now! Mommy says I barely fit on the changing pad and I can stretch out to most of the length of the crib!! Dr. Guru said that everything is looking good.
Mommy made me some food that was exceptionally yummy the last couple of nights. I got to have some chili and some beefy brocoli. Both entrees are so good. I gobbled them down. She said she is going to make me turkey tonight with carrots. I can't wait.
My teeth are coming in nicely. I am able now to make a really cool clicking noise with all of them. It is fun and it freaks Mommy out.
Daddy started back to teaching school again for the year. It is not as much fun as summer time. I miss him now that he is gone for most of the day, but we still get some evening time together.

Me enjoying some graham crackers
Hope everyone is doing well. I will talk to you all soon!!
The Maximillian
P.S. Dee is missing again. I am taking it rather well, I have so many other things I can play with until he is found. Mommy and Daddy are keeping an eye out for him. Again he is somewhere in the house. Just don't know where.
Hi, Max, Hi, Mommy.
This is Daddy at work. I miss you guys and can't wait to get home to you. Sorry about me having to work, Max, but there will always be another summer.
Love you guys,
FYI. Daddy found Dee again and we are happy once more. max
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