Hi all,
Just wanted to let you all know that I turned on something called "word verification" for the comments section. This will help stop the comment spam that I have been getting.
Second, Mommy says that Halloween is coming up and I have to dress up in a costume. If you have any ideas for my costume, please leave them in comments!
Maxiblog-New and Improved! Stories and pictures that will chronicle the lives of both Maximillian and Jasper.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Nine Month Check-up
Hi All, Max here.
Yesterday was my nine month check-up with Dr. Guru. It went well. I have grown to be 30.5 inches and 21 pounds and 15 ounces! I am a big boy now! Mommy says I barely fit on the changing pad and I can stretch out to most of the length of the crib!! Dr. Guru said that everything is looking good.
Mommy made me some food that was exceptionally yummy the last couple of nights. I got to have some chili and some beefy brocoli. Both entrees are so good. I gobbled them down. She said she is going to make me turkey tonight with carrots. I can't wait.
My teeth are coming in nicely. I am able now to make a really cool clicking noise with all of them. It is fun and it freaks Mommy out.
Daddy started back to teaching school again for the year. It is not as much fun as summer time. I miss him now that he is gone for most of the day, but we still get some evening time together.

Me enjoying some graham crackers
Hope everyone is doing well. I will talk to you all soon!!
The Maximillian
P.S. Dee is missing again. I am taking it rather well, I have so many other things I can play with until he is found. Mommy and Daddy are keeping an eye out for him. Again he is somewhere in the house. Just don't know where.
Yesterday was my nine month check-up with Dr. Guru. It went well. I have grown to be 30.5 inches and 21 pounds and 15 ounces! I am a big boy now! Mommy says I barely fit on the changing pad and I can stretch out to most of the length of the crib!! Dr. Guru said that everything is looking good.
Mommy made me some food that was exceptionally yummy the last couple of nights. I got to have some chili and some beefy brocoli. Both entrees are so good. I gobbled them down. She said she is going to make me turkey tonight with carrots. I can't wait.
My teeth are coming in nicely. I am able now to make a really cool clicking noise with all of them. It is fun and it freaks Mommy out.
Daddy started back to teaching school again for the year. It is not as much fun as summer time. I miss him now that he is gone for most of the day, but we still get some evening time together.

Me enjoying some graham crackers
Hope everyone is doing well. I will talk to you all soon!!
The Maximillian
P.S. Dee is missing again. I am taking it rather well, I have so many other things I can play with until he is found. Mommy and Daddy are keeping an eye out for him. Again he is somewhere in the house. Just don't know where.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Some notes and pics
Hi all.
Just some quick notes:

Here I am modeling my new hairstyle. Mommy said I was rocking!!!

I am getting some new teeth. They are coming in on the top. They are making me a bit uncomfortable, but now it is even easier to eat graham crackers! (See above photo.)
Today I stood all on my own, with no help from Mommy, Daddy or the table!! It was fun, but I don't know if I want to do it again yet.
In other news
Just some quick notes:

Here I am modeling my new hairstyle. Mommy said I was rocking!!!

I am getting some new teeth. They are coming in on the top. They are making me a bit uncomfortable, but now it is even easier to eat graham crackers! (See above photo.)
Today I stood all on my own, with no help from Mommy, Daddy or the table!! It was fun, but I don't know if I want to do it again yet.
In other news
Mommy and Daddy are still trying to find me a new room. We have had a bit of luck at a couple of showings, but no offer yet. Hopefully, we will hear something soon. Mommy really wants me to have a new room!! (One for Callie too).
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Missing: Dee Twenty
Hi All, Max here.
Last night after a very eventful day, Mommy, Daddy and I came home and Mommy said "Bath time, Maxers." Well, while Mommy was getting my bath ready and Daddy was getting me ready, somehow Dee got lost. Mommy said he is in the house somewhere, but only where babies and kittens can go. Mommy and Daddy looked and looked but haven't found Dee yet. Callie hasn't seen him either.
I hope they find Dee soon. I miss him.
Last night after a very eventful day, Mommy, Daddy and I came home and Mommy said "Bath time, Maxers." Well, while Mommy was getting my bath ready and Daddy was getting me ready, somehow Dee got lost. Mommy said he is in the house somewhere, but only where babies and kittens can go. Mommy and Daddy looked and looked but haven't found Dee yet. Callie hasn't seen him either.
I hope they find Dee soon. I miss him.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Just Another Saturday
Hi All, Max here.
Today I got to spend some time with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Sean, Aunt Megan and Cailyn. Mommy had to go to work and Daddy went to a birthday party for his friend. They played a computer game. Mommy got to come home to see me at lunch but it was such a short time. I miss her so much, but I had Dee Twenty so I was ok. And Uncle Sean kinda looks like Daddy so it is almost like Daddy is with me even when he is not. No matter anyway, we were all together again soon enough!
I got to go see great grandma today too. She got some new carpet that was pretty fun to crawl on. It has all these speckles in it that I just want to pick them all up.
Oh yeah, I loooooove Graham Crackers.
Today I got to spend some time with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Sean, Aunt Megan and Cailyn. Mommy had to go to work and Daddy went to a birthday party for his friend. They played a computer game. Mommy got to come home to see me at lunch but it was such a short time. I miss her so much, but I had Dee Twenty so I was ok. And Uncle Sean kinda looks like Daddy so it is almost like Daddy is with me even when he is not. No matter anyway, we were all together again soon enough!
I got to go see great grandma today too. She got some new carpet that was pretty fun to crawl on. It has all these speckles in it that I just want to pick them all up.
Oh yeah, I loooooove Graham Crackers.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hi Everyone,
I am sorry that I haven't posted lately. Busy, busy, busy!
We got back Sunday from visiting Yia Yia and Papou. We also went to Thea Sophia and Uncle Craigory's. I was so excited to see everyone that I couldn't sleep a wink! Mommy and Daddy just would not listen to me when I tried to tell them I didn't want to sleep. They kept trying to get me to sleep anyway! Can you believe the nerve of them!? I showed them. ;)
Yia Yia and Papou are pretty funny. They tell me stories and Papou is trying to teach me how to count to five! I know that soon I will be able to say it along with him. They have lots of flowers around their house and I got to see some hummingbirds! It was pretty cool.
I also got to see Lisa, Julie, Thea Voula, Aunt Georgia and Nick. And I got to see my Nona! It was loads of fun!
Visiting the Zoo
A couple of weeks ago, we went to the Zoo for my mommy's birthday. She loves the zoo and she wanted me to see it for myself. She said she and daddy had their first date at the zoo! How cool is that?
I got to see all sorts of animals. I think my favorites were the silly monkeys and the lemurs. We also saw some lions and bears and kangaroos and wallaroos. They were all very beautiful! And none of them looked like Callie. She is the best animal of them all and she lives in my very own house!

Me, Mommy and the Lemurs

Well, folks, that is all for now.
Lots of love,
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