Hi All. Max here.
Today was my 4 month check up with Doctor Guru. Overall, it was a very good appointment. Mommy said I was a trooper.
First, the nurse weighed me (16lbs 12 ozs) and measured me (27 inches). Then, Doctor Guru came to see me and he said that I was such a cutie. He did all these listening things with the thing he had plugged into his ears. He listened to my front and my back and then he did it all over again. He also used a flash light thing to look at my eyes and ears. He said everything looked perfect. He tapped my legs and arms too. Mommy said he was just checking my reflexes. He also tickled my belly and checked my hips. Mommy said that was so he can see if my belly was working right and to make sure that my hips are nice and strong. He was glad, too, that I am trying to rollover and can sit up with a little help from Mommy and Daddy. He said that my back is nice and straight. Doctor Guru said that I have a sweet smile that is just for Mommy. He was right, but I do like to share my smiles.
Next, the nurse came back and she had to give me my shots. Mommy warned me about them all week. Two in one leg and one in the other. Mommy kept really close to me and she had my wormy with me too. The shots were quick so I only cried a little; with Mommy there I knew that it was okay, so I didn't have to cry for long. I just told Mommy that I better not have to have to many of those and she told me just a few more times. Alright, I said. But I will be honest with you all, I would rather they be done sooner than later!
Mommy said that I did a very good job. This evening I have been feeling pretty good, but tired. Mommy said to celebrate my taking my shots so well, I can try some rice cereal in a week or two. I'm not sure what it is, but she said it will be yummy with my milk.
Until next time,
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