Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A typical day

Hi all, Max here.

Today mommy and I practiced my standing up. I absolutely love standing and trying to balance on my feet. I am also getting better at sitting up (with a little help from my friends, of course). And I am trying really hard to roll over too!

Mommy bought me a kitten that looks alot like my sister Callie. (I am hugging her in the picture below.) I also love my inch worm and Whoozit. Jumping Jack is somewhere, just not in the pic. He's a frog. I will try to get a good picture of me and Callie to post. She is the sweetest sister kitten ever.

that's all for now folks.

sincerely, Maximillian

With my pals Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

You are getting so big little man. Keep up the exercising with your friends so you will be big and strong.

Kato said...

Hi Max,

Welcome to the Internet! The web certainly has a lot of childish bloggers but you are the first one I've seen that is, in fact, an actual child. Good for you! You'll probably be running this thing by the time you're 10 and whipping us old farts in Halo 7 on the XBOX Extreme 4.

Your inch worm rocks quite hard, I must say.

Good luck on that whole standing up and walking thing, I still have trouble with it now and then, but your mom and dad seem pretty good at it so it's probably in their genes (and their jeans).

Anonymous said...

Hi Max, Thanks for sharing with us. It has been fun hearing about your days. Your old aunt Julie forgot you were going to be here Pres. week-end. I called Yiayia's on Mon. but you had left already. Looking forward to your next visit to Marion. We love you!!!