Sunday, March 06, 2005

A Long Weekend

Hi All. Max here.

This has been a very interesting weekend. Daddy had to go on a trip with his speech kids. Some kind of tournament. He was gone for three days! Mommy and I had a great time together though. We had a pajama day; we didn't go anywhere all day! It was fun just being home. We played A LOT. Then Mommy came up with a project, so we went shopping to find what we needed. We made cute tee shirts to surprise Daddy with when he got home. One of them says "Born to Game" on it.

On Saturday Mommy had to go to work and I went to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's. I got to see Shay and Pookie too. Grandma tried to feed me with that evil "bottle" thing and I would have nothing of it! (I did drink a little, but I knew Mommy would be there soon to see me.) Despite the evil bottle, I had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's.

When we got home Saturday, my sister kitten Callie must have missed me because she kept giving me kisses and rubbing her head on my feet. Mommy says that Callie wanted me to pet her, but I'm not quite sure I understand how to do that.

Then I took a bath and went to sleep. The best part though was when I woke up Sunday, Daddy was home! He and I had some cuddle time. It was so great to see Daddy again. I missed him so much!

until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Max!

I just wanted to congratulate you on surviving your first speech season, even though you weren't around to really enjoy the first half. You and Mommy were busy getting ready and growing stronger to face this big exciting world. It's Dana by the way, but those big kids call me "Baby Spags." I wonder if they will call you "Baby Ries." I like "Max," but mostly I call you "Kanto's Baby." I think your mommy has the best name, and I talk to her on my play phone all the time. I have to see how you are doing. We speech kids gotta stick together.

I can't wait till you get a little bigger and you can come to a tournament. My mommy brought me to a few this year. Everyone goes into this huge room, and all the teams stand up and clap. I like that part best. Vez will probably sing this crazy song to you, but it's funny. You also get to see the Sheldon's. Jay laughs a lot and Sheldon is cute. There is also this guy whose arms are so big he can't seem to put them down. His name is just letters -- T.J. All the kids are there, and they are just plain crazy. I love going to the big schools and seeing those kids.

The hard part is when I don't get to go. My mom has to be away all day. I miss her, but I play with my dad and have lots of fun. I also can hang out with my new dog Diesel. You will have to come over and meet him, and I will show you my playroom. We have plenty of toys, so tell your mom and dad you want to come over.

Well, I'll talk to you soon. I want to visit the Wiggles web page and do some puzzles and games before it's time to read and go to bed. Keep growing and learning.
