Saturday, November 04, 2006

Spider Max

Hi all, It has been an exciting couple of weeks with visits to Yia Yia and Papou's and Trick or Treat on Halloween! First we got to visit Yia Yia and Papou and I got to see gorgeous baby Cora. She is looking alot like Thea Sophia. She has great big eyes and is beautiful. I can't wait to see her again. She is growing up already. Pretty soon she will be as big as me.

Then Mommy took me to story time at the library in my Spiderman costume and I got to go trick or treating there. It was so fun. I got so many candies and cookies. Then a week later I got to do it all over again but for real! Daddy took me to grandma and grandpa's and I got to visit lots of people that gave me LOADS of treats! (thanks, everybody!). Then we came home and Mommy took me to a couple of houses on our street. The best part though was seeing all the kids come to our house. Mommy and Daddy gave them treats too. Halloween is a pretty ghoul, I mean cool, holiday.

See you all soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey max, im so pleased you got to go to marion and especially pleased you got to see cora. i also had a grand time with you during trick or treat. you were very courteous and talkative. see you soon, grandpa.