Just wanted to put in a quick note for all the people that have been visiting after searching about the Regis and Kelly Beautiful Baby contest! Welcome to my site and a hearty Hello! I wanted to let you all know that Mommy and Daddy decided to take me out of the running this year, but we all thought you might want to see a picture of me instead of the bat from the previous post. (Thankfully no more bats! Mommy is VERY happy about that.) As you can see I am extremely adorable and very charming. (at least that is what Mommy says.)
In other news...
Mommy tried cutting my hair again. I really wish Mommy wouldn't do that. I look a bit ridiculous but I guess my hair will grow pretty quick and I will look normal again. (Un)fortunately there are no pictures of said haircut and for that I am quite thankful.
lots of love to my peeps.