I have had a very eventful week! First I got to celebrate Easter with my Mommy, Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa. We had breakfast and went to church and i got to hear the bells and the choir sing. It was really pretty. We had a big dinner too. I also got to hunt some Easter eggs. They are pretty rolly polly, but I was able to wrangle them.

Then Mommy, Daddy and I went to visit Yia Yia and Papou on Thursday. I got to go to the park by their house and play on all the fun stuff there. I mean they had slides even better than the one in my back yard! I got to climb all over the place and see lots of little kids. I absolutely love the park. I can't wait to go back there.

I also got to meet Auntie Lisa's baby. She is so tiny and an absolute cutie. I got to hold her and everything. (Daddy helped.) I can't wait to see her again.
Then I got to celebrate Easter all over again! I didn't go to church this time because the service was really late at night. Mommy went and she was really grumpy the next day because she didn't get to sleep that much. But we went to Cousin Julie and Dave's to celebrate with all my aunts and uncles and cousins on Mommy's side of the family. I got to see my God brother Nico and he was so cool. He took good care of me while we played outside. He also helped find the Easter eggs in my second Easter egg hunt!
Princess Turns Two
On Saturday Callie turned two years old!! I can't believe it. She is the best older sister kitten anyone could have.

That's it for now.