Hi All. It is I, Max.
Just wanted to give you all the lowdown on my appointment with Dr. Guru. (I went on Wednesday.) I am now 24 pounds and 14 ounces and 32 and 1/2 inches tall, with a head circumference of 19 1/2. Dr. Guru said I am looking good and have lots of teeth. "What a cute boy!" quoth the Doctor.
In other news...My verbal skills are finally beginning to catch up with my writing skills. I am now able to verbalize about 20 words and a few that Mommy and Daddy just don't understand. I wish that they would catch up.Lots of love to my fans.Maxer-roo
Hi Everyone!
First let me wish everyone a VERY Happy Valentine's Day!!

Mommy and Daddy sent in the picture above to Live with Regis and Kelly's Beautiful Baby Contest. Mommy said that I would probably be disqualified because I blow all the other kids away as far as cuteness and beautifulness. (With the obvious exception of Cailyn who didn't get the chance to send her pic in. There definitely would have been a tie if she did.)
So be sure to watch Regis and Kelly next week to see if my picture will be on TV.
Until next time:
Lots of Love
Hi Everyone!
Mommy and I went to Yia Yia and Papou's this past weekend for a visit. Mommy got to go to Auntie Lisa's Baby Shower on Saturday. Auntie Lisa is going to have a baby girl very soon. It was really snowy out that day so I got to stay home and play with Yia Yia and Papou. I had a blast. I got to make a nest with blankets and pillows and play. It was so much fun. Mommy laughed when she got home because I was pretending to use the remotes as telephones and talk to Daddy. And I really am getting the hang of this walking thing. I think that I am going to like it quite a bit. Pretty soon I think I will try that thing called running.
I will talk to you all again soon. Lots of love.Maximillian