Saturday, September 24, 2005

Cold is "Empty, Empty, Empty."

Hi, all, Max here.

My cold is gone now, thanks to the medicine my Mommy gave me. Sorry it took me so long to let you all know, I know many of you were worried, but I have been playing so much now that I am better that I forgot to let you all know that I am better.

In Other News

I'm getting two more teeth on top. I am happy because they are coming, and I will be able to chew Cheerios and cheese better, but I am a little scared because teeth hurt when they arrive.

Talk to all of you later. I hope to have some pictures up for you soon.



Tuesday, September 13, 2005

First Cold

Hi All,

I have my first Cold. Mommy says that I will be better soon. All I know is that I don't feel so great. My nose is making some weird stuff that is oozing out and then I make some weird noises that Mommy and Daddy call coughing. It is keeping me up at night, this Cold.

Mommy has been giving me some medicine and it is making me feel a little better. I should be back in no time. Though to be perfectly honest, I haven't slowed down that much.

I kinda took a little step today too. It was really fun and Mommy says that before long I will be able to walk everywhere instead of crawl! Whoa! That will be so cool!!

love you all.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sleeping is Overrated

Hi all.

Sleeping is overrated.

Why sleep when I could crawl around the house, get into lots of fun stuff to play with and chase the kitten, Callie. I think my sister kitten is getting tired of me pulling her tail. I thought she liked it when I did that, but now I think she is getting a bit annoyed.

Anyway, I just don't see the point in sleeping. So cry I must as Mommy and Daddy try to make me. They can be so mean sometimes.

Sleeping is way overrated.

Nighty Night,